Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lesson Two: Know and Apply Your Overall Theology

Another snippet from my thesis - which by the way I will have published shortly

What is also as applicable today as it was in the eighteenth century is how Wesley’s wider theology informed his view of children within that theology which in turn enlightened his educational endeavours as they related to children. Those called to minister to children should follow his example and ensure that their theology also informs their practice. 

Yet it is more than just allowing their theology to inform their practice. Wesley did not hold his theological views regarding children in isolation and nor must those involved in children’s ministry. If we are to follow Wesley’s example the theological views applied in any children’s ministry must be in accord with those of the parent body. For example, the theological viewpoint of the local church must inform the theological views regarding children which in turn will be played out in the practical ministry to children in that setting. 
Before we proceed to lesson three there is one further aspect of the development of theology which is worth learning from Wesley. Like him those involved in children’s ministry (indeed all Christians for that matter) would do well to base their theology on Scripture. At the same time they should, as he did, allow experience to inform and refine their theology and in so doing actively engage in child theology. 

Pastor Pete

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