or should that be hands across the ditch. Heading over to Aus for a meeting on theological education and have set up a meeting with the Sth Queensland District Childrens Ministry Director Kathy Eddie and another (and I quote) " young lady who is very passionate about this form of ministry." (that's you Kathryn!) Really looking forward to swapping what's happening and seeing how we can work together and support each other in this most important of ministries - being agents of God's grace in working with the Holy Spirit to draw children to God and nurture them in their faith.
Sounds like a mission statement - no not really but it does remind me that I was asked during the week if we had a vision / mission statement for Wesleyan Kids NZ. Anyone got any ideas? What is the vision / mission of your Children's Ministry.
In my thesis on the place of children in the theology of John Wesley one of the lessons I discovered from him is the need to know clearly what you aiming at. Doesn't have to be in a mission statement but we do need to know what we are trying to achieve. For instance are you just providing a safe place for children during the "adult service"; is your aim to teach children the stories from the Bible (David and Goliath, Jonah, Gideon and so on); are you aiming to introduce children to your Lord and Saviour so that they accept him as their Lord and Saviour? Your answer to questions like this will determine what you do in your ministry.
Hey this sounds a lot like last weeks blog. I wonder why - is it that I can't think of something else to blog about or is it that God is leading us to think about what we are doing. I believe it is the latter. So take the time to share with us what you are aiming for in your Children's Ministry. Even if you haven't got it sorted out yet put it up - maybe together we can help each other finetune what we are doing.
And on that thesis I'm pleased to say I've been told it's now back from both markers - don't know what grade I've got but hopefully it won't be too long before I can release it. Watch this space and watch the bookshelves for the book that will come from it.
Blessings to you as you work with Him with the children
Pastor Pete
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